Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Taking a look at Ellenwood,Ga with a little help from Google Earth

For our first blog assignment we were asked to pick a place that I believe has a environmental , or health concern that needed to be addressed, well I selected.Ellenwood, Ga. There are a few reasons as to what made me select this particular place , the first reason is because it is the area that I grew up in, and the second reason is because I've had the opportunity to view the changes that this particular area has gone through over the years. Just like majority of America at the time, childhood obesity was not nearly  the problem that it is today. After working at a summer camp located in the area of Ellenwood for the past 6 summers I have noticed the increasing numbers of overweight children and the lack of recreational or extra curricular activities to help keep the kids health and in shape. This problem has gotten out of had with this community as well as the entire United States, which is why the summer camp as well as myself, structured the camp around education as well as physical fitness.

As far as utilizing the use of Google Earth, I must admit I struggled (and still is struggling, but not as bad..yay!) but it is slowly coming together, and as far as blogging I have no problem what so ever doing that!!