Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Second Blog "Special Maps"

Choropleth Map

A choropleth map is a map that uses different shadowing, coloring, and symbols within a area to show an average. This choropleth map displays the percentage of obesity ( Body mass index over 30) within the population of each state from the 1995 through 2008.

Dot Density Map
A dot density map is a thematic map that displays information through a large amount of tiny dots, where each dot represents a unit of quantity. This dot density map displays the location of people living within a nonmetro  area, where each dot represents 200 people.

Proportional Symbol Map
 A proportional symbol map is a thematic map that displays certain areas with shapes and symbols that all vary  in size to represent  a unit of measurement. This particular map shows where oil is located within the world. 

Topographic Map
  A topographic map is a map that displays three-denominational images of surfaces through vertical and horizontal positions as well as color differentiation to display the difference in elevation levels . In this map displays the  areas of wild land fires. 

Environmental Sensitivity Index Map
   A environmental  sensitivity index map shows a summary of coastal resources that are more likely to be at risk if a  oil spill was to occur.

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